
We switched from a paper record system and started using WRMD in January of 2013. WRMD has completely revolutionized our record keeping. The system is clean cut and easy to use, our staff, volunteers and interns picked up on the interface almost instantly. Using WRMD has completely changed how we are able to utilize the information in the records. You can do a very specific search for almost any information you enter, and the analytic section lets you see important information at a glance. At our center, we use WRMD on I Pads for the everyday exams and treatment notes. With the I Pads we can move from room to room and have the mobility to go where the animal is. Although the mobility is very useful in many circumstances, the typing is slower. So for longer more detailed recordkeeping, we log in from a desktop computer for use of the full keyboard. The layout is virtually the same on a desktop as the I Pads, keeping transitioning between them simple. One of the most helpful features of WRMD is the end-of-year report. Doing the end-of-year report is usually a daunting task, taking 40+ hours of sorting, tracking down missing paper work and filling in missing information. This year it was as easy as clicking a button. Since we went paperless, all of the information went straight into the computer, eliminating the missing paperwork and missing information.

Wildlife Rehabilitation MD is integral to the day-to-day care of wildlife at the Center. With our old system, we spent quite a bit of time searching for lost or potentially eaten paperwork! We were unable to network data so that both Animal Care staff and Administrative staff were up-to-date in real time.

WRMD has been a tremendous asset to Pacific Wildlife Care. Record keeping is much quicker and easier, which translates to more thorough records and better patient care. Being able to access patient records even when I'm not in the clinic, including viewing radiographs and bloodwork results, allows me to help direct patient care even when I can't be there in person.

I love the analytics features that help track our progress year to date. WRMD has awesome search features that make locating records within dozens of parameters easy as pie. I think of all the paper files stored in file boxes and shoved in closets across the country and I wish all that information was accessible. I hope it becomes the standard in our profession.

In my 20 years of rehabbing, I have used many different methods of record keeping-from home-made excel spreadsheets to web-based programs. Wildlife Rehabilitation MD is by far the best. Since I am a very small home-based operation, I do not use many of the program's features, but the ones I do use I find very user friendly. And the best part is, when I have a question, the response from the team is received in a timely manner and in language that a non-computer type person such as myself can understand!

WRMD is a wonderful tool for wildlife rehabilitators. The information gathered by this database allows wildlife rehabilitators, wildlife agencies and scientists to identify and follow diseases and injuries affecting wildlife. WRMD will enable all those involved with wildlife to be proactive instead of reactive.

We love WRMD so far! We just started using it at HUman Animal Rescue Wildlife Center in January of 2018, and have not had any issues transferring or using our information on it. It is really easy to use and train people to use. The transition was very smooth and well worth it - we especially love seeing analytics as they happen.

I’ve been WRMD! WRMD is user, friendly, no issues - Thanks

Hey! Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you all how much the hotline and expense extensions kick ass. This is the only database I suggest to other rehabbers, precisely because it has the whole rehabber in mind, not just the medical, and it is supper helpful to have a more encompassing database that also SAVES MONEY. I was just creating a database for handling calls, because the ones out there cost too much, and of course, Access is a great tool, but a LOT of work for a single person with basic experience in it. And lo and behold, WRMD hooks us up. As a bookkeeper, I can also see how the expense extension supports tracking per animal expense, rather than just in the accounting software, and how useful this will be for folks unused to allocating costs. That is all, carry on.

We adore WRMD! It makes it possible to track our high volume of patients. Being able to check which animals who came in from a certain location show similar symptoms and is revolutionizing keeping track of our to do lists.

We love WRMD. It’s so great to be able to input from my phone and review who we have admitted for the day. We can keep much better track of where the animals are.

WRMD has been an invaluable instrument for record keeping not only while animals are in care but to look back on later, to keep track of trends and they are constantly updating to make the website more user friendly and responsive. Thank You!!

WRMD is extremely user friendly and takes the hastle out of paperwork. I have found it to make my work more enjoyable.

I’ve used two other wildlife record keeping databases before WRMD and have found it to be leaps and bounds ahead as far as reports, statistics and user-friendliness.

I have just had a wonderful experience with my &*^%(%# "records" this year all thanks to you. (And you may quote me on this !) As you know I probably have as many birds in home care per year as some small rehab centers. The "paperwork" seems endless, and a real burden at the end of the year. I live a 45 min drive from the center and computer access is limited there. Thanks to your program i did my "records" from home, and was finished in hours instead of weeks! It is so easy to use and I can see you are continually enhancing the program. I simply love it, and am so grateful that you designed such an incredible system for wildlife rehabilitation. Bless you both!

I just started using it tonight. I entered 20 animals and although I wouldn't consider myself "computer savvy", I found this system very easy to use. I am seriously elated to click on "reports" and be able to view the USFWS report, all filled out accordingly by WRMD, not me!! I love it. Furthermore, I will spread the word to fellow rehabber friends. In the meantime, you are truly helping High Desert Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation keep their records organized.

Thank you for this wonderful tool. I appreciate the amount of work that has gone into it. Being someone who develops UX / UI for a living I want to complement you on truly understanding who the users are, and understand how translating that into an intuitive design. I know that’s not easy, yet you pulled it off. Software this well written deserves to be supported so I have made my first donation of $100 to help.