A free on-line medical database designed specifically for wildlife rehabilitators to collect, manage and analyze data for our patients.

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Wildlife Rehabilitation MD

How can Wildlife Rehabilitation MD benefit you?

Save The Wildlife

Find out quickly what protocols are working best in your clinic. Save more lives by learning from your records.

Save The People

Save time, energy and money with quick access to the information you need. No more digging through or losing paper records.

Save The Data

Analyze and learn from your data. Discover best practices and needed areas of improvement.

Hey! Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you all how much the hotline and expense extensions kick ass. This is the only database I suggest to other rehabbers, precisely because it has the whole rehabber in mind, not just the medical, and it is supper helpful to have a more encompassing database that also SAVES MONEY. I was just creating a database for handling calls, because the ones out there cost too much, and of course, Access is a great tool, but a LOT of work for a single person with basic experience in it. And lo and behold, WRMD hooks us up. As a bookkeeper, I can also see how the expense extension supports tracking per animal expense, rather than just in the accounting software, and how useful this will be for folks unused to allocating costs. That is all, carry on.

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